EP 48 Helping Men Redefine Identity After Retirement
Michael Kay is a true renaissance man thriving at 71. His journey has been anything but predictable!
He started as a musician, became a CPA, built a successful Financial Life Planning firm, and later founded Chapter X, where he supports men transitioning to life after their careers.
Along the way, he’s written books, spoken internationally, recorded 200 podcast episodes, rediscovered his love for music, and even published his first fiction short story.
With a Certified Life Coach credential and a novel in the works, Michael embraces life’s twists and turns with curiosity and passion.
Michael shares invaluable insights for men on the importance of knowing your values, the grieving process post-retirement, and the joy of becoming a novice again.
To learn more about Michael’s work and Chapter X, please visit his website here.
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Tune in and let's crush ageism together!
Waving from Boston – cheers!
Ande ♥
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Michael Kay
Speaker, Podcaster, Author, Coach
I could never say what is next for me. I began training as a musician, became a CPA, transitioned to financial services where I founded my own fee-only Financial Life Planning firm, wrote 2 books, spoke to audiences internationally on Financial Life Planning, sold my firm to my partner, started Chapter X for men transitioning to life after career, just recordered my 200 episode, returned to playing music after 50 years and became a Certified Life Coach and now speaker (again) and had my first fiction short story published last year; now working on a novel....but it's all by accident.
I am blessed with a wonderful loving family that includes my wife Wendy, a son and a daughter and three granddaughters (oh, and my 4 year old Beiwer Terrier, Phoebe)...If any of it's scripted, no one showed me in advance.