Charlotte Livingston

Charlotte Livingston Profile Photo

Pro-Age Advocate, Model, Speaker

Charlotte Livingston (of Style with Charlotte) encourages others to stop asking if what they are doing or want to do is age appropriate. She is a passionate pro-age advocate. Her focus is (life)Style. Specifically, that you can use style to inspire, support and challenge. Charlotte demonstrates style as an attitude that stirs motivation to continue dreaming larger. In interviews on social media, Charlotte has spoken about glamour, facing the challenges of depression, and building a business at 60 plus. Style with Charlotte is about being able to try things that are new and different -- even with the risk of failure. Based on her beliefs, Charlotte has put fear to the side and avoided placcing limitations on herself. She has a life-long passion for fast vehicles and has found theopen road to liberating. Becoming the best versions of ourselves without constraining our dreams with arbitrary limitations is what Charlotte believes in. No matter your age, you should go for your dreams.

April 18, 2024

EP 7 Thriving in Fashion and Life After 60

Charlotte Livingston's journey is an inspiring call to action for anyone who believes age should never be a barrier to fulfilling dreams. In this heartening discussion, 65-year-old Charlotte, hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Ca...