I grew up in Chicago and was lucky enough to find the career I was meant to have: an advertising copywriter. Right out of college, I was hired by the world’s biggest ad agency. (And most creative!) I got the privilege of working with national clients such as Kraft Foods, 7Up, Sears and Gallo Wines. And as hot as this opportunity was, my typing fingers were frozen. Literally. Chicago weather is horrible and I asked to be transferred within the agency to somewhere warmer. Atlanta, here I come.
I also had great clients in Atlanta: Orkin Pest Control, Dunlop Golf and more. When my first child was born, I segued into freelance writing and had more flexibility. And also thrived.
One of my more recent clients was an amazing retirement community. In addition to marketing pieces, I was commissioned to write the bios of some of the residents. Oh, how I loved hearing people’s stories and writing them! When COVID hit, I could no longer meet with these gems. But their stories inspired me to dig into what other seniors were doing--amazing things later in life. Thus, my book Late Boomers was born.
I was not only thrilled to find and spread these peoples’ stories, I was energized. Excited. So pumped up about what these people were achieving. And I was inspired about this stage of life.
I am no spring chicken either. But I have a lot of spring left in my step. And I love encouraging this in the world.
I truly believe, no matter what your age, accomplishment never gets old.