Jeri Sedlar is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and lecturer on the evolving topic of retirement. She is the co-author of the highly acclaimed book, DON’T RETIRE, REWIRE! Third Edition and ON TARGET: Enhance Your Life and Ensure Your Success.
For more than 20 years, Jeri has been traveling the globe from Dubai to Des Moines, actively researching individuals and organizations on the pleasure, pain and possibilities associated with an aging society. Her findings led to the creation of the five step Rewiring© process, which focuses on finding new purpose, new passions, new play and new work possibilities that promote healthy, fun and fulfilling futures.
Her belief is that life planning done in conjunction with financial planning allows individuals to leverage their personal and professional assets to the fullest. She has emerged as one of the country’s leading thought leaders on “the new way to do retirement,” or as she calls it rewirement©.
Ms. Sedlar has served as Senior Advisor to The Conference Board on the Mature Workforce, and as a Judge for the AARP Best Employers Award for Workers 50+. She was a Delegate to the White House Conference on Aging and sat on the AARP Executive Council.
Jeri is the former Editor-at-Large of Working Woman magazine, where she worked on key issues including work/life balance, flex time, glass ceiling and female entrepreneurship. She was a partner in an executive search firm that specialized in the placement of senior executives in the health and beauty industry.
Her passion is the non-profit sector and its related challenges. She currently sits on the Board of Overseers of The National Opera America Center and has served as a Co-Chair of the Women’s Opera Network. She sits on the Board of The American Friends of The Georgian Group whose mission is the preservation of Georgian architecture in England. She was only the second woman to sit on the board of the USS Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum and has served as a Governor for OFF THE RECORD, a subsidiary of the Foreign Policy Association. She is a former Governor of Nichibei Fujinkai, a Japanese American community of women and is former Chair of the YWCA’s Academy of Women Achievers. She is a former Governor of the Cosmopolitan Club in New York City, and a member of the Junior League, where she chaired the New York Chapter’s Rape Awareness Committee. She has held leadership roles within the New York Women’s Forum and the Episcopal Church.
A graduate of Michigan State University, where she is involved with Women in Philanthropy, she is a member of Tri Delta sorority, and after living in New York City for 48 years moved to Sarasota, Florida during covid where she is happily involved!