Joanie Marx

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Joanie Marx is a three-time #1 international bestselling author of, “Facelifts,
Money & Prince Charming”, “In Spite Of…”, and “The Experts Cure”.
Known as a Storytelling Magician™, Marx is the creator of three acclaimed
online courses on and has also written and produced over
400 episodes of her popular video series about self-love on her YouTube
channel. She is a regular contributor for online magazine, Sixty and Me.
Prior to all of this, Marx was a pioneering entrepreneur who co-founded
a multi-million-dollar consumer product company. She has also enjoyed
over thirty years as a professional actor, producer, and brand spokeswoman.
Marx is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree
in Psychology.
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Oct. 10, 2024

EP 32 Building Your Self Esteem After 60

Did you know the #1 obstacle to having your dreams, desires, and goals fulfilled after 60 is shame and blame? Our guest, Joanie Marx, can help you turn these distressing, backward looking emotions into forward looking, esteem...
Guest: Joanie Marx