Wendy Leggett

Wendy Leggett Profile Photo

Retirement Life Coach

Wendy Leggett is a Professional Certified Coach and owner of Conflux Retirement Coaching, specializing in non-financial retirement life planning. With 25 years of corporate sales leadership experience, she guides clients through a fulfilling retirement transition, focusing on well-being, identity, feelings of purpose, connectedness, and positive aging. Wendy holds advanced credentials from the Retirement Project, Retirement Life Plan, and Positive Intelligence and co-authored the book “The Retirement Collective”.

Dec. 5, 2024

EP 37 Retirement By Design, Not Default

“It's not a new book, it's a new chapter!” Challenging traditional notions of retirement as an end to work, our guest, Retirement Life Coach Wendy Leggett, brings the ideal insights and tactics to help you shift out of a reti...
Guest: Wendy Leggett