EP 22 How to Prioritize Mental Health and Social Connections as You Age

A leader in pro elder living, Joy Loverde, 72, has been a dedicated pioneer in the elder care field since a life-changing Thanksgiving experience at age 14.
The author of "The Complete Elder Care Planner," and “Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old,” Joy inspires countless individuals to take control of their lives, embrace pro-aging, and thrive in life.
Joy shares the critical importance of mental health, self-actualization, and remaining socially active, especially in this post-COVID era.
We chat about how to surround yourself with positivity, engage in new activities, and explore volunteering opportunities.
Joy also shares the value of intergenerational connections and the mutual learning that happens between different age groups.
Stay tuned as we explore these inspiring topics and more, and don't forget to visit Joy's website, elderindustry.com, for further insights on how to improve your Renaissance years!
Tap these links to learn more about Joy’s work, to purchase her books, and to connect with her online:
The Complete Elder Care Planner
Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old
If you found inspiration from this conversation, we’d love to hear your thoughts, so be sure to hop on over to Don’t Be Caged By Your Age on LinkedIn or Instagram. Or leave a message on the website here.
Listeners, please remember – you have so much to give – don’t let those internalized ageist beliefs prevent you from pursuing new dreams and opportunities – no matter your age.
Tune in and let's crush ageism together!
Waving from Boston – cheers!
Ande ♥
CONNECT with me online - I'd love to learn how you're shattering ageism!
TikTok: @andelyons
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If you resonate with the show’s mission of shattering ageism and age-related expectations so folks can thrive after 65...

Joy Loverde
Best-selling author & keynote speaker
Joy Loverde (pronounced low VER dee), is the best-selling author of "The Complete Eldercare Planner, 4th Edition” and “Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old?”
A seasoned keynote speaker and media spokesperson, Joy’s appearances include the Today show, CBS Early Show, ABC News, NPR and more. She is quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Time Magazine, and others. USA TODAY ran a four-part series on her employee eldercare programs.